Three Books on Mindfulness
We just launched a new beaded bracelet inscribed with a powerful mantra: NOW. It's a reminder to stay in the present moment. In other words, be mindful.
Ah, mindfulness, you elusive, magical thing. It's harder than ever to fend off distractions, turn off our obsessive thinking, and simply accept the present situation.
I need all the help I can get to not let my mind get stuck on the hamster wheels of what-ifs and what-has-been. Most of the time, the simple (luxurious!) act of turning off my phone (and any technology) for hours at a time helps. Not to toot my own horn too much, but my beaded bracelets are also very helpful reminders to LET GO, ask myself 'Is this a HELL YES?', and simply stay in the NOW.
The path to mindfulness is a long journey, and fortunately there are lot of great guides. Here are three books that we love here at HART that keep us in the Zen zone.
Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart can unload a lot of mindblowing advice in one paragraph, so I find it helpful to slowly digest it in his many interviews with Oprah on her Super Soul Sunday podcast. She even devoted a 10-episode series devoted to his other classic book, A New Earth.
The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success by Deepak Choprah
This short-and-sweet book can be read over a few weekend cups of coffee. I keep this by my bed and refer to it often.
The Seat of Soul by Gary Zukav
This book illustrates the power of acting from the purity of our soul, versus letting aspects of our personality run our lives. Simple yet profound, this book is also another bed-side reference for me.